Los Albares is a colourful, spacious school in La Puebla de Alfindén, a small village near Zaragoza (Spain). Being a fairly new facility, they have a very big schoolyard but a rather empty one i.e. a lot of free space which is left unused.
For years, teachers and students alike made suggestions – a garden! a playground! – but to no avail. That is, until the tools and inspiration from NEMESIS helped them to turn their ideas into reality: They will now work collaboratively with one another to build their new playground.

Map of the planned activities
Participatory methodologies are used to gather the ideas of each group of students (16 classes, 350 children from 6 to 12 years old). Then, two representatives of each class meet at break time to put those ideas into action. Ten other students also go to the co-creation lab together with parents, teachers, members of the municipality and some local innovators (around 20 people in total).
From the collaborative work and discussion that has been carried out so far, the community have decided they want to build a vegetable garden, a tire circuit, a minigolf course, and tracks for boules and datchball (a local, friendly version of dodgeball) , all using recycled materials.
This process is still ongoing, but it is now more focused on the practicalities. Co-creation labs happen once a week and the feedback between all participant is constant (student’s representatives make sure everything discussed goes back to the classes, where students can voice their concerns, contributions and general feedback for the project in an open and supportive setting).

Collaboratively designing games for the playground
Check their twitter account
Go to the school webpage
La Puebla de Alfindén, Zaragoza (Spain)
Number of students
350 students from 6 to 12 years old
Members of co-creation lab
Students’ representatives
Members of the municipality
Collectives, social innovators, entrepreneurs, business… contacted
La Puebla de Alfindén Town Hall
Universidad de Zaragoza
Hotel Alfinden
Neumáticos Clavijo