14 Oct 2019

Open learning platform III


14 Oct 2019

Social Innovation Learning Platform

The open learning platform provides resources to teachers and educators interested in applying the model. There they can find practical information, good practices, and online courses for their professional development.

The platform also works as a hub for educators and social entrepreneurs to be part of an online community of like-minded people interested in education and social innovation. 

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A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to introduce you to Social Innovation in Education by sharing existing NEMESIS projects and familiarising you with the key elements of Social Innovation Education (SIE). 

The NEMESIS MOOC will help you engage with SIE, hearing from teachers, School Leaders, Social Innovation Practitioners, and project partners and showing you how to implement it.

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The NEMESIS Serious Game brings you as a citizen to NEMESIS City to aim to increase the well-being and happiness of the inhabitants of the city with your “social innovation power”.

The Co-Creation Lab helps you work on emerging problems with teachers, social innovators, and parents to implement social innovation projects for the happiness of the city.

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