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About – Cover

We bring together education and social innovation 

About – The project

The project

NEMESIS is a project to create and test an educational model to bring social innovation philosophy to primary and secondary students. For three years, thirteen members from seven EU countries will work together to develop a model that embeds the competences and philosophy of social innovation into schools.

How to do so? By creating materials, resources and networks to help educators add social innovation principles to their teaching practice. Our approach is fundamentally practical: the project includes education and social innovation experts but also social entrepreneurs and schools who carried out a first pilot between September 2018 and June 2019.

We are currently looking for teachers and social innovators who want to join us for the second pilot that will be carried out from September 2019.

NEMESIS stands for “Novel Educational Model Enabling Social Innovation Skills”. It is also the name of a Greek goddess of distributive justice.

About – Objectives


At the end of the project, NEMESIS is expected to have involved at least 200 social innovators. We expect to create around 50 educational resources for teachers and educators, and at least 130 projects developed by students. Seven schools will participate in the first pilot, while another twenty are expected to join for the second one, meaning we expect to directly engage 400 students and 100 teachers, and over 5000 students and 2000 teachers in an indirect way.  

1. To develop a framework for teaching social innovation skills by combining innovative pedagogies and learning models, the philosophy of open technology, and participatory relations and processes.

2. To design a methodology that brings together students, teachers, parents and education experts with social innovators to collaboratively design educational projects and collaborate to solve real community and sustainability challenges.

3. To create an European community of social innovators willing to engage with the students, building bridges between education and innovation communities.

4. To develop an open learning platform with useful resources to educators interested in testing/adopting the model.

5. To give useful resources and tips to break down organizational barriers and facilitate the adoption of the model.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770348. This website reflects only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency or European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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