01 Jul 2019

Teachers – why join

01 Jul 2019

Why join?

“I joined NEMESIS because education should be more focused on the students and society. Students should be conscious of the problems they have around themselves and they have to think about how they can solve those problems. NEMESIS is a tool to work on this idea”.

Ana Echeverría
Head teacher, Los Albares School (Spain)

Do you want to be actively involved in co-developing educational projects with students, parents, and social innovators?

Would you like to participate in the first ever model, tried and tested by teachers, of Social Innovation Education in Europe?

Are you willing to develop European networks, improve the profile of your school, and increase your student’s motivation?

We need to help young people engage in and be critical of the world so they can contribute to its betterment through democratic action. They need the vision, values and drive to take on the social challenges that face them by enabling them to transform relations with a diverse range of people so they can improve the world for themselves and others.

Welcome Pack for Schools

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