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About – Cover

Φέρνουμε κοντά την εκπαίδευση και την κοινωνική καινοτομία για να ενδυναμώσουμε την γενιά του αύριο που θα φέρει την κοινωνική αλλαγή.

About – Advisory board

Advisory board

Emer Beamer

A self-taught teacher, founder of Designathon Works and Ashoka Fellow since 2016, Emer has a mission to unleash the creativity of children worldwide by developing new learning models and training programs. Starting with co-founding and leading the Nairobits design school in Kenya, the award-winning Butterfly Work co-creation studio in the Netherlands and now Designathon, her influence on harnessing technology with play to develop the way we train our change-makers has impacted from centres around the globe.

Emilio Álvarez Arregui

A teacher and counsellor of kindergarten, primary and secondary centres, Emilio has been a civil servant since 1981 and has worked at all levels of education since 2004. He is now the Director of the Institute of Research and Innovation in Education of the University of Oviedo. He is part of national and international education networks and in recent years has been interested in the problem of inclusion in educational, social and labour organizations.

Susana Agudo Prado

Susana is an expert in training, innovation, ICT, aging, inclusion and life-long learning, citizenship, democracy and multiculturalism. She has worked as a pedagogue for 11 years in a private company designing and managing socio-educational projects. She is currently a teacher in the Department of Educational Sciences, also at the University of Oviedo.

Alejandro Rodríguez Martín

An expert in entrepreneurial training, diversity and inclusion, ICT, HR, innovation and organisational management Alejandro is a member of the European Network on Inclusive Education & Disability and currently Head of the Area of Social Responsibility, Support for Inclusion and Equality at the University of Oviedo, in northern Spain.


Gary Durbin

Gary, based in Southern England, is director and partner in 4 Colour Learning through which he runs the Enterprise Village website and organises the National Enterprise Education Conference to promote enterprise education and the collaboration between schools to develop best practice. With a background as a teacher in secondary education and as company director within the education management industry, he brings 20 years’ experience of developing enterprise across the curriculum and gladly joined the Nemesis team to collaborate to empower the change-makers of tomorrow.


Teresa Coma

Teresa Coma received a Ph.D. degree in Psychology and Learning in 2016 from the University of Zaragoza. She is a Professor at the Psychology and Sociology Department, Education Faculty, University of Zaragoza, and a member of the AffectiveLab. She has a Degree in Social Pedagogy (UAB) and Diplomas in Special Education Teaching. She also has a Master in  Psychological Intervention with DBM® (Developmental Behavioral Modeling) and her lines of research are citizenship education, orientation in learning processes, empathy, participation and teamwork, communication, performance management and inclusion. She has participated in national and international congresses, and has published studies and research on education for citizenship, educational guidance and technology applied to education.

Ana Cristina Blasco-Serrano

Ana Cristina received a Ph.D. degree in Education from the University of Zaragoza (Spain) in 2017. She is a Professor at the University of Zaragoza and a member of the Ethnography research group. Her research areas are education for citizenship, technologies for learning and educational guidance. She is a member of Development Cooperation Chair of the University of Zaragoza. She has participated in national and international congresses about learning, and she has published studies and research on education for citizenship and technology applied to education.


Το έργο αυτό χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα έρευνας και καινοτομίας Horizon 2020 της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης βάσει της συμφωνίας επιχορήγησης αριθμ. 770348. Αυτός ο ιστότοπος αντικατοπτρίζει μόνο τις απόψεις του δημιουργού και ο Εκτελεστικός Οργανισμός Έρευνας ή η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή δεν μπορούν να θεωρηθούν υπεύθυνοι για οποιαδήποτε χρήση των πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτόν.

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