Updates from Roughwood Primary School, UK
Y6 – Remembrance assembly
Y6 created a remembrance assembly and shared that with the local community. This includes children using the green screen and reaching out to members of the public. The assembly is on the website and even got a shout out from the armed forces. The aim for this term is to come up with a new project and Lisa will be working closely with me to do this.
Y5 – Local care home link
Y5 attended Cherry Tree and sang carols to them, made Christmas cards and wrote personalised letters to each of the residents there. We raised money and provided them with food hampers before Christmas- EYFS was involved in this part too. All distanced too! I spoke to Nic Cusworth (governor) and she’s is helping with a community raffle (starting with parents in the class, then school and local area) – so you can talk about governor involvement there, and children decided they wanted the proceeds to go towards residents for a tea party and one for the children in class 7, so they can enjoy this live with the residents – via zoom, for example. We would hope to meet their personal pen friends in the summer term.
Y4 – Outdoor classroom
Y4 have decided to make the most of our wonderful landscape by transforming an area into a usable all weather outdoor classroom. Mr Ducker, Mrs Graham and Nathan have all had a co-creation lab with pops outdoor adventure discussing the build. Following this Mr Ducker and Nathan had numerous site visits discussing the practicalities of our plans. Following a successful visit, the work has already started clearing the area to make it safe. The next step is to have a co-creation lab with pops, parents and children to discuss their ideas and what they want. The children have visited the site, discussed ideas and created some learning for their topic files to support this. As well as developing our outdoor area Y4 are currently taking part in the schools linking project where we have been asking questions and developing a ‘penpal’ situation where we can send letters to each other. As well as that, we aim to continue with our partnerships with the Ruffi school in France and a brand new partnership with a school in the middle east aiming to get children collaborating with others across the globe.
We have also applied for funding through a local council grant scheme. . .
Y3 – Rain Rescue
Y3 aim to work closely with local animal rescue, Rotherham Animals in Need. They have already made contact with the charity and hope to get a co-creation lab sorted with Supervisor Zoe after the national lockdown. We have discussed a whole school assembly with the charity, potential site visits, fundraisers to raise money for food, bedding and other vital needs the animal charity require. We have discussed linking this to our learning by writing letters to various companies and people to help support us with that.
KS1 – School improvement project
KS1 have decided to improve facilities on the KS1 yard and are currently at the planning stage of this. Due to the restrictions before Christmas, it was hard to have parents and helpers in to fully ignite the project. The aim is to create break out areas and enhance learning discreetly through educational based fun games. The plan is to hold a co-creation lab as soon as the children get back into school after the February half-term.
Year 1 have also expressed an interest in helping the homeless scheme in our local area, this could be fundraising or donations to help the homeless people in need.
The current state of KS1 yard, no enrichment for the children, no games they can learn and express themselves.
Foundation – Working collaboratively with local care home Cherry Trees.
At Christmas foundation raised over £150 from raffles and used the money to buy residents presents as some of the residents don’t have any family or friends! The children and parents (socially distanced of course) dropped them off and sang Christmas carols outside for the residents who watched on through their windows. (awaiting pictures and videos) The project is ongoing and we are looking at doing something for them to celebrate Easter.